playing in a orchestra/band for a musical

playing in a orchestra/band for a musical    16:47 on Sunday, June 1, 2008          

(25 points)
Posted by me-flute

does anyone know how to get into playing in an orchestra for musicals? I've been wanting to play flute/piccolo in one for ages but i have no idea how to get into them. I've done small school productions and local ones but i want to get into bigger productions in the near future that will allow me to possibly take it as a career.
any ideas greatly appreciated

Re: playing in a orchestra/band for a musical    09:27 on Wednesday, December 31, 2008          

(79 points)
Posted by ikqdrum

the best way is to get on a call list for subbing for shows at local theaters. find out if any of your friends play and see if they will let you sit in or sub for them. one a MD hears you play, you might be the first call next time.


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