Polarity/1 Video: Lisbon`s Quorum Ballet - Music From The Other Side

Polarity/1 Video: Lisbon`s Quorum Ballet - Music From The Other Side    13:19 on Friday, June 26, 2009          

(11 points)
Posted by mixtapes23

Polarity/1's Fulano De Tal is easily one of the most impressive songs in Lisbon's Quorum ballet, The Other Side. This piece allows for an aggressive, yet romantic interplay with the choreography of the dancers while keeping a dark cryptic mood for its audience. Another reassuringly exceptional piece from Polarity/1.

WATCH FULANO DE TAL... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvjGjbejPdQ

Land O' Debbies adds an alluring sound to the soundtrack of Lisbon's Quorum ballet, The Other Side, and highlights the song with accents of media that permeate the air. Polarity/1 takes inspiration from all forms of art to produce this unique piece of music where chaos and politics are swallowed and spat back out among unconventional electronica and extraordinary melodies.

WATCH LAND O' DEBBIES... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT6DDKtQfsU

"Music From The Other Side is the soundtrack for a dance performance by Lisbon's Quorum Ballet [based on Polarity/1s music]. The Other Side's principal objective is to fuse the style and art of the dance of Lisbon and New York. The work is the collaboration of choreographers Daniel Cardoso, Jonathan Hollander and Thaddeus Davis, artistic directors of Quorum Ballet, Battery Dance Company and Wideman/Davis Dance, respectively."

The music of Polarity/1 is exactly what the name suggests: conjoined opposites -- a mash up of new: cutting edge electronica/hip hop/nu-jazz and old; roots music of America (blues, funk, country, early jazz), Brazil (samba, pagoda, etc.) and West African groove science. Polarity also describes the dual streams of Polarity/1's musical output: songs and instrumentals.


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