Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
07:01 on Saturday, April 26, 2003
I heard it is easier (pick it up quicker) to learn
the saxaphone than it is to learn the trumpet.
Is there any truth to this?
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
09:24 on Saturday, April 26, 2003
Well if you ask me I;d say the saxifhone because there are so many buttuns!!!
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
21:07 on Wednesday, April 30, 2003
i think the saxophone is easier becaus with the trumpet its not always easy to get a good tone so the sax would be your best bet
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
13:31 on Saturday, May 31, 2003
the saxaphone isnt that easy but i play it and its the best thing ever
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
10:21 on Wednesday, June 18, 2003
yes it`s true i play the sax and i tryed the trumpet once
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
20:02 on Thursday, June 19, 2003
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
20:34 on Thursday, June 19, 2003
Learning where all the notes are on the sax is easy; they tend to just work from the bottom up.... with trumpet, you have only three valves to produce a myriad of different pitches. When it comes to learning the basics, sax is easier, but once you`ve mastered that, getting good tone on sax is actaully pretty difficult. Basically, you`ll find trumpet hard at first, but once you`ve got the basics, you`re virtaully home and hosed; with sax it tends to work the other way
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
11:22 on Sunday, July 6, 2003
are the notes easier to read on a sax vs a trumpet? I like both instruments but I`m not too sure which I should start on. I guess the short is I want to play an instrument that is relatively easy. I`m already playing the drums so I don`t want to get to confused.
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
20:35 on Saturday, July 19, 2003
(Dan Glaude)
Play sax then start to play trumpet- trust me, after you`ve got the sax thing down a little trumpet comes quick
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
20:04 on Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Thanks! I take it you play both instruments?
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
20:54 on Tuesday, July 22, 2003
i played the trupmet for 4 years and i think it is easier leared but not easier to play
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
18:59 on Wednesday, July 23, 2003
You never did say whether you played the sax or not, but i`ll take your advice and try the sax.
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
16:53 on Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Do you know about some resources on internet about getting started with sax?
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
20:11 on Monday, September 8, 2003
someone plz tell me a website were i can learn the sax notes
Re: Learning the trumpet vs. Learning the Saxaphone
22:20 on Tuesday, October 14, 2003
honestly if you`re gonna learn a new instrument don`t pick one just because it`s easier than all the others you have to love the instrument you play