Hi there, very new in this site so I will share my experiences as a musician. I am a guitar jazz player and I am in constant search of knowledge about Jazz. For all those new jazz players or anyone who would want to know how to play jazz, I would like to share my resources to you. Hope this thread will be able to help out new jazz players into becoming legends.
The Jazz guitar chords ebook
(Click to Download)
This ebook will show you how to construct jazz guitar chords and how to play them on guitar. It will tackle topics about Jazz Guitar Chord Theory, Major Guitar Chord Chart, Minor Guitar Chord Chart, Dominant Guitar Chord Chart, Diminished & Other Chords. It also has advance lessons for those experience jazz player.
Jazz handbook
(Click to Download)
All you need to know about basic jazz is here in this ebook. There are a lot of useful topics found in this books like scales and scale syllabus, Playing the blues, chord voicing, bebop scales, blues scale, jazz rhythms, and many more.
I hope this post has been helpful to you.