An old "crooner" song...
16:34 on Thursday, May 16, 2019
 nicolas2019alcub o
Posted by nicolas2019alcubo
I need help with it.
When I was a child I remember a melodic song sung by a strong and melodic male voice (A "crooner" with the style of Frank Sinatra, Low Rawls, Tony Bennet, etc). and I'd like to know who is the artist and the song's title. The problem: i only remember some of the melody of the instrumental part. This is the melody I remember of that song:
The song was sung by a male voice, it has some parts of slow jazz rythm and was composed in the key of C Major.
Please, listen to the melody I played and try to tell me who could be the artist and the song's title. I know it's hard because I only remember this melody of the instrument part. But, Well. Try.
Greetings! - Nicolás Matías Funtalas
Re: An old crooner song...
21:26 on Thursday, May 16, 2019
Re: An old crooner song...
07:22 on Friday, May 17, 2019
Re: An old crooner song...
06:25 on Monday, May 20, 2019
Re: An old crooner song...
14:51 on Thursday, June 6, 2019