If you like Tori Amos / Sarah McLachlan, check out Jennifer Grassman

If you like Tori Amos / Sarah McLachlan, check out Jennifer Grassman    19:12 on Thursday, February 17, 2005          
Posted by Archived posts

Jennifer Grassman is an original independent artist who writes imaginative songs drawing from her classical piano and operatic background. Her influences include Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, and Loreena McKennit. Enthusiasts have also compared her music to that of Fiona Apple, Norah Jones, and Kate Bush.
Besides her classical music background, one of the things that sets Jennifer apart from all other artists is her striking use of poetry and expression, along with an eclectic sound unlike any musician available in the music market today.
Please visit Jennifer`s website for photography, music samples, reviews, lyrics, biographical information, and much more!
Email me and let me know what you think!
~ Nightingale1284


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