Screaming Rock
16:27 on Sunday, March 20, 2005
I got this idea from the "Rap Sucks" poll. They say Rap doesn`t count as music. Well, Rock songs where they scream into the mic doesnt really count as music either. They`re not really singing, but yelling, so that is not music, like that band "Alexisonfire" all they do is scream. IT IS NOT MUSIC!
Re: Screaming Rock
21:58 on Sunday, March 20, 2005
Thats actually an interesting thought. Funny thing is i`d have to say "it`s a style and blah blah blah" but thats what yall said in my poll. hmm... I guess I can go all musical technicly stuff?
But the screaming bands had a real background hmm? The have musical things like chords that don`t repeat OVER and OVER wihtout a single change? But thats "style"
You semi-stumped me, i`m going to go puzzle this one out for awile.
Re: Screaming Rock
22:36 on Sunday, March 20, 2005
hmm. i`d say it`s music. i mean there are guitars and stuff. it`s just music you can`t sing, like rap. =)
Re: Screaming Rock
23:08 on Sunday, March 20, 2005
Just kidding.
I think screaming rock is a little silly, very hard to take seriously. Especially rock bands where the men scream in falsetto. They sound like old ladies.
Re: Screaming Rock
21:19 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
Screaming music might be silly to untrained listeners... but once you actually get into it, it`s the most amazing music you will ever listen to. So many of the bands put so much thought into their lyrics, no matter how obscure they may appear to be. And you can`t understand them? Well read the lyrics... a little effort goes a long way... because it`s really amazing when you know what someone is screaming, even if no one else around you does.
Re: Screaming Rock
15:08 on Tuesday, July 26, 2005
screaming kicks so much ass and ALEXISONFIRE is amazing