fight fire with water
14:13 on Friday, November 11, 2005
here is a cool new up and coming band with sounds of the future
they are heavy but calm, they have lots of power but its all controlled, they sound amazing and have been togeather for less then a year
they are in desperate need of your support and advise
be part of something and make these lads go far and you can say i was thier from the beging!!!
Re: fight fire with water
16:47 on Friday, November 11, 2005
sounds like a typical has an artisty name, been together for less than a year, and their on myspace!
Re: fight fire with water
10:50 on Tuesday, November 15, 2005
(Little grebo dude!!)
hey i listen to the track kinda kool im wondering if you could add me on my space i gt a pic of me for the person xx