You Guys Like this Band??
16:14 on Wednesday, November 26, 2003
They recorded at the studio I work at. I`ve never been more into a band as quickly as I`ve gotten into these guys. Its hard rock. You can right click these links and "save target as" to download or left click them if your connection is fast.
Song 1
and Song 2
Its some catchy stuff. Their vocalist has a unique voice.
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
16:16 on Wednesday, November 26, 2003
actually, the links didn`t hyper link so you can copy and paste to the link bar. Or you can go to their page which is
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
17:51 on Thursday, November 27, 2003
(Lady Di)
hey these guys are good.......i like the drums......
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
12:20 on Friday, November 28, 2003
After a few seconds I alredy knew they`re great  Are they quite well known... ammm... anywhere? I mean buying a CD or stuff
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
12:29 on Friday, November 28, 2003
They are actually a local Boston band that is fairly new. Their shows sell out but they are not as huge as their music makes them sound. Being a studio guy, I hear a lot of bands but these are the best I`ve heard yet. I can`t sit down when I hear the song RUN, it makes you want to get up and shout, lots of emotion in that song. The singer has a very commanding voice, I don`t know how to describe it. All I know is, their tunes are a hell of a lot better then the crap coming on the radio lately. I have a feeling that these guys will be
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
12:32 on Friday, November 28, 2003
... will be big some day soon. Besides the two tunes they already have posted, they recorded three more at our studio. I emailed their guitarist who said they will be coming out with those three and selling a five song EP and then an album shortly after. I encourage everyone to download their tunes and help these guys out, besides from having that kick ass sound, they are really nice dudes.
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
22:03 on Monday, December 1, 2003
They sucked. You can barly understand the lyrics and what I can make out they are horrid.
More of the same crappy nu metal.
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
00:58 on Tuesday, December 2, 2003
Everyone has their opinion. I think its hard to understand lyrics in the whole genre of male rock. I love Chris Cornell but I can`t really understand much he says. I just got the lyrics to the album Superunknown and have finally realized I`ve been singing half the wrong words.
Blackline`s sound and lyrics are great in my opinion. There is a lot of wussy rock out there with horrible hooks and Blackline has some great hooks, their singer is phenominal and has a ballsy raspy growl which is amazing, and to top it off, in the studio they were very kind to everyone and the rest of their songs are great. I urge everyone to take a listen because there has been a huge buzz about them going around town the last week in Boston and I have a feeling they are going to be the next big thing.
Tell me, what kind of music do you LIKE if you think this sucked? I wouldn`t even call Blackline nu metal, nu metal to me is drop B tuning with more screaming and turn tables. Blackline is good hard rock.
Re: You Guys Like this Band??
14:42 on Wednesday, December 3, 2003
Well, actually what I think that you cannot even compare it to the crap they`re playing in radios. Oh and unfortunately I don`t think either that making them popular in Europe (Poland I mean) will help them by any chance 
Tell them they`re great and I hope they`re gonna release a record which will come also to my place 