Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
20:27 on Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend. If he does things correctly 2004 could be his year.
Disclaimer: what I am going to write is my opinion on Axl Rose and the type of person I perceive him to be having watched and read about him over the past 15 years.
It has been just over a year since we last heard from Mr. Axl Rose since the U.S. tour got cancelled but there is still huge interest in what the red head is doing and his long awaited album. Nothing official has come from the Gn’r camp in ages and their official web page still looks the same as it did after the aborted tour last December. What we have gotten is rumors of Axl going “nuts”, Axl playing a few new songs at some club, a new song being leaked on a radio show that no one heard, and now Guns n’ Roses are confirmed to play Rock in Lisbon in April. These rumors being good or bad does not really matter, it just adds to the legend of Axl Rose and keeps his name in the media to keep people interested, just when you don’t think you will hear anything about Axl some weird rumor always seems to pops up.
Like him or not, Axl Rose is one interesting person and most often he is misunderstood. Some people like to think of Axl as an asshole, but that is just because Axl likes to keep to himself and he likes his privacy. Axl does not crave attention or look to make headlines, he does that with out even trying and sometimes I think that embarrasses him. I know a lot of Gn’r fans get p!ssed off at Axl because he has not been telling us his every move or what his plans are but I think that is a good thing. Axl seems to get himself in trouble every time he tells us about a possible tour, a possible release date or anything else for that matter. When Axl has told us about tentative tours or release dates and then those things fall through or dates pass by people bash him because they didn’t happen, that is why I think Axl doesn’t want to say anything until he is 100% positive it is going to happen. That is why I don’t think will hear from Axl until he knows the album is 100% done and the release date is set in stone. I don’t think Axl likes to disappoint his fans and this is his best way of getting our hopes up for the release of this album. Another thing fans need to keep in mind is that Axl wants to make the best possible he can, and he does not care how long it takes, this album will be his legacy. This album will make or break his career since it is his first album with out the old band.
A lot of old Gn’r fans like to think the new songs we have heard so far are not as good as the old bands songs, but that is not the important question. The important question is, are the new songs as good or better than the current mainstream songs on the radio today? And IMO the answer to that is YES. I think Madagascar, the Blues and Chinese Democracy are just as good if not better than a lot of the music on the radio right now, and those songs are not even the “big guns” that Axl has in store for us.
If Axl does things correctly I think 2004 could be his year. He has a set of amazing players backing him up and they have all worked very hard on this album. The few people that have heard the album have all said how great or amazing the songs are, so I think if CD is promoted the way it should be it could be the best album of 2004. Axl and his new Gn’r could also be on top of the music world again. Just look at a few years ago the mtv mva’s. They got a huge pop and people were going ape sh!t. The U.S. tour was not as bad as some naysayers would have you believe. The U.S. tour did pretty damn well considering there was almost no promotion for it and no new album in sight. Just think of how the tour would do with the band having a hit single on the radio, the album being released, a possible video on mtv and proper promotion for the tour. I think it could be huge. All Axl has to do is release the album and let it speak for itself. Axl has to understand he can’t please everyone. Yes Axl will lose some of the old fans with the new band and new sound, but he will also pick up many more fans along the way.
It is now time for Axl to take his throne back as the best front man in rock, others have tried but none have even come close to having Axl presence or aura. Axl holds his own destiny and legacy in his own hands. He can either be the huge star he used to be or he can just disappear again. Either way Axl Rose will always be one of music great mysteries. He had it all in the 90s and he can have it all again if he wants to, but the question is, does he want it again? I think the answer is simple.
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
18:04 on Wednesday, December 24, 2003
"It is now time for Axl to take his throne back as the best front man in rock"
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
10:34 on Friday, January 23, 2004
Axl Rose is the best!!!!!!
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
15:43 on Wednesday, January 28, 2004
(Danni!* ;) xXx.)
Yea baby! G`n`R is the best thing that ever happened to rock, whether the new sound is good or not I`ll be welcoming the sexy legend back with open arms.
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
13:50 on Saturday, February 21, 2004
He is a HOTTIE and he rocks. I cant wait to hear him and see him again. Even if he doesnt have an album at least he could flaunt his sexiness around a little more for us girls!!! I LOVE AXL!!!!!!!!!
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
05:00 on Friday, March 5, 2004
I think that Axl Rose has written some of the most intense lyrics out there, He was saying the things that no one dared to say a long time ago, he was not givin enough credit as a artist. More focus was put on the drama around his life than what he was trying to do and say. He has and allways will be my favorit artist and person. He puts himself out there and is not afraid to do what ever he wants to do. Millons of other artist do this to but it iseems as though he is the only one catching hell for it. I repect him , and he has helped me in more ways than he will ever know! Hell Ya Axl Rose Rocks, and if he makes a come back i , and alot of other die hard fans , will be first in line to welcome him back with open arms. I am sorry you can call me whatever you will non-belivers, but i say, "I go were the talent is!" And Axl Rose has defenitly got it! I truly support Duff and the others as well , but axl will allways be my hero.I hope 2004 is his year...he deserves it! And i hope that people are a little more opened minded now to accecpt what he might say.
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
20:56 on Tuesday, June 15, 2004
(Dan Lane)
He sux. His voice sux. His voice is more annoying than simple plan`s. Simple plan also wrote a song that sounds alot like sweet child of mine, but is alot better. Axl also sux because he is a homophobic, and people that discriminate don`t understand music.
(This entire post is a joke)
but seriously axl isn`t even close to the best.
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
06:39 on Tuesday, September 7, 2004
(mironica botosani)
axl?we just love him.we love everything about him.he rocks and gives class to others!!!!!!
axl...u are the!!!!!!!!
give me five, man!
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
07:37 on Monday, September 13, 2004
i want to buy a pieCe of DEFECATION of axl rose....i have money to buy it, i wanna eat it...if somebody can help me , he can write me to m desperate ,,,if i will have his DEFECATION i will be the happiest man in the world....and when i think that axl trow so much precious DEFECATION ....i would like to live in his WC....I SUPOSE HIS DEFECATION IS SO SWEET, LIKE SUGAR.....SWEET SUGAR TAKE IT slow, all we need is axl s DEFECATION
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
12:58 on Friday, September 17, 2004
Axl rocks! cause he`s got it all
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
17:47 on Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Axl. Rose. Is. A. PRAT!!!!!!
I did respect him enough to put up with his annoying voice because he wrote some cool songs. I even didn`t mind the whole Rock star ego- heck it`s part of his job.
And I suppose I could forgive the delay on the release of the new GNR album.
BUT- I despise him for showing a complete lack of comeraderie- the foundations of rock`n` roll (somewhere along with the whole JD swilling thing and sex)- in firing his entire original line up, keeping all the rights too himself and, as if to add insult to a potentially fatal injury, he replaced one of the most iconic figures in the history of Rock `n` Roll with a guy who wears a KFC bucket on his head.
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
17:36 on Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
00:16 on Sunday, October 10, 2004
You all GO F*U*C*K YOURSELF!! I don`t give a damn!!!
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
17:01 on Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Axl rose is a hottie even though he is like 41 years old he will always be the hottest guy in the world. I love Axl rose
Re: Axl Rose, the man, the myth, the legend, could 2004 be his year
08:49 on Monday, October 25, 2004
I love Axl red hair.It`s the most beautiful hair color I`ve ever seen