Does anybody know Imogen Heap or Frou Frou?
11:39 on Sunday, December 28, 2003
I really like Imogen Heap`s music. Maybe somebody shares that opinion and likes to talk about it, and maybe knows some artist that are like her. (Though i think it`s very hard to place her in some kind of category)
See ya
Re: Does anybody know Imogen Heap or Frou Frou?
06:10 on Sunday, January 4, 2004
I love Imogen Heap. I live in Australia, and I`m sure you know how rare her i Megaphone album is to find, but yeah, I found a copy of it, and I should have it at my door in like a week. So I`m really excited. I`ve been having to survive on downloads and stuff. Her music is awesome, and even in Frou Frou - Details (the album of which i have listened to over and over and over again) she is still awesome. She is most probably my favourite musician of all time.
Re: Does anybody know Imogen Heap or Frou Frou?
22:45 on Friday, January 9, 2004
i know her. i love I Megaphone and Details by Frou Frou.