moonlight sonata 3rd mov
moonlight sonata 3rd mov
22:13 on Tuesday, November 15, 2005
hi, im attempting to learn moonlight sonota 3rd mov., but i need some help from those who know how to play this song, i dont know where to start and how to start learning this song, ie. play right hand first, then left hand. or play part by part or play line by line, i would like some tips, thanx - matt
Re: moonlight sonata 3rd mov
17:30 on Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Well, first off, I don`t know how to help you because I need to know what your skills and experiences are with the piano. If you are a beginner, I suggest that you try something else because this is not a simple piece. If you are intermediate, try playing it separately with each hand. That is, figure out how to play the arpeggios in in the first few measures and then slowly add on the left hand. Don`t worry about speed yet, because that will come after you`ve played this piece fluently for a long time. I would suggest at least an hour of practicing everyday.
If you`re an advanced piano player... just sight read! You won`t play very fast, but if you stick with it, you`ll do it. Also, I suggest you get a teacher for this song.
Hope you succeed!
Re: moonlight sonata 3rd mov
06:02 on Tuesday, January 3, 2006
First off it`s not a song, but sorry I`m being fussy. Moonlight Sonata 3rd movement is a very very very advanced piece and I would not recommend learning it without a teacher. Take it slowly and make sure you understand where the melody goes (it`s easy to let it just fade out with all those extra notes). I have to confess I`m rubbish at this piece but I`m okay at the last two pages lol. It might be good to start with these to build confidence, especially as it`s usually the end of pieces that get neglected.
Re: moonlight sonata 3rd mov
18:39 on Wednesday, January 4, 2006
(alex aka chopininoff)
shes right tho..its a piece..not a song..but ne who...all i can say is..PRACTICE...thats basically it...if ur an advanced player..then of course u`d a teacher..or recieve master classes on ur performance and interpretation...but i wouldnt say this is a very difficult piece...i`d give it a7/10 or 8/10 for difficulty