29 Preludes op.1 for Piano

29 Preludes op.1 for Piano    13:01 on Saturday, November 1, 2003          
(Guilherme Schroeter)
Posted by Archived posts

Chopin wrote 24 Preludes?

I wrote 29 and more dificult
with new textures and new techniques

All in Encore format
or I can convert to Sibelius
or PDF


Re: 29 Preludes op.1 for Piano    05:21 on Friday, December 19, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

i am interested in these compositions. if you really say that they are better than chopins compositions it would be worth a look.
please could you send them to me?
my e-mail address is sr54242@trurocollege.ac.uk
p.s it wold be useful if you could convert them into pdf. if it is not to much trouble


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