Cruel intentions 2

Cruel intentions 2    16:57 on Tuesday, October 8, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey! Does anyone know the name of the song that guy plays on the piano in Cruel Intentions 2?

Re: Cruel intentions 2    20:04 on Wednesday, December 4, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

the song i believe you are thinking of is by counting crows. it is called colorblind

Re: Cruel intentions 2    14:58 on Saturday, December 28, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

do you know the real name of the song?, because it isnt colorblind

Re: Cruel intentions 2    23:56 on Thursday, January 9, 2003          
(Andrew Trudgian)
Posted by Archived posts

The name of the song the guy plays is flight of the bumblebee by rimsky korskov (korsakov) What i would like to know, is what is the song the chick plays on the piano?

Re: Cruel intentions 2    12:44 on Friday, January 24, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

The song the girl pays is the "moonlight sonata" by Mozart.
Op. 27 Nr. 2

Re: Cruel intentions 2    12:52 on Friday, January 24, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Just wanted to correct. It`s by Beethoven, not by mozart.

Re: Cruel intentions 2    12:10 on Wednesday, February 12, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Here I was thinking it was by Vivaldi...

Re: Cruel intentions 2    21:14 on Saturday, April 5, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I was wondering where I might find a list of songs found in the movie Cruel Intentions 2?

Re: Cruel intentions 2    21:16 on Saturday, April 5, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts


Re: Cruel intentions 2    22:10 on Thursday, April 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hi there!

is there a second part of the film cruel intentions (with sarah michelle gellar and ryan phillipe)??? i didn`t hear about it since now! i`m surprised because i am a big fan of cruel intentions part 1 and didn`t know they made 2 one.

Re: Cruel intentions 2    12:09 on Monday, May 5, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

there is a second part, it came out in 2001 but with other actors.
it seems to be a similar story, at least there are many situations and even words the same!

Re: Cruel intentions 2    17:30 on Saturday, May 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

what is the song they play in cruel intentions 1 where ryan philipe is talking to the therapist? anyone know?

thanks j

Re: Cruel intentions 2    00:12 on Monday, June 2, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

don`t know the title - all the instrumental music in Cruel Intentions 1 is by Edward Shearmur and frustratingly unavailable - I am soon going to try to sequence a MIDI of it myself, though. Cruel Intentions 2 is an awful movie, btw, for anyone who hasn`t seen it. It`s a prequel to Cruel Intentions 1, with different actors, and half of the script recycled - and they completely screw up the characters. Terrible screenplay, terrible idea.

Re: Cruel intentions 2    04:18 on Thursday, June 5, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Your right, Cruel Intentions 2 really sucked, it brought down the first one I think. The only thing good about the second one, was the lesbian scene in the shower. I do wish I could of been him in there. You know what I mean fella`s

Re: Cruel intentions 2    22:28 on Sunday, June 15, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hey- i was wondering about a song in the first movie. Its in the scene where philip is coming up the elevator and he sees reese witherspoon(i can`t think of her name in the movieand the only words i can remember in it is, "i am ready...i am ready" and i checked the soundtrack and it didn`t have that song...anwayz- if you could help that would be great~


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