Re: Cruel intentions 2
21:10 on Saturday, June 28, 2003
That songs is called "Colorblind" by the Counting Crows...great song btw.
Re: Cruel intentions 2
04:47 on Friday, July 18, 2003
Hey by any chance does anyone have a website for the piano chords to the song colorblind by counting crows? Because i really want to learn it on the piano, please reply. Thanks
Colorblind music
21:51 on Tuesday, July 29, 2003
(lady knight kel)
I was also wondering if anyone knew of how to get the music (piano score) for the song colorblind by the counting crows. any info would be greatly appreciated!
Colourblind by Counting Crows
16:57 on Monday, September 22, 2003
I found the website with the score and the words, but you need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to sse it.
Re: Cruel intentions 2
01:47 on Thursday, December 18, 2003
did any one find the title of the edward shearmur piano song on cruel intentions 1?
01:29 on Sunday, January 4, 2004
Hey Hey !
In Cruel intentions 2, cathrine walks up the stairs and goes into a secret room where a secret meeting with other students takes place. A song is played, does n e 1 know that song???? Im dying to find it n havnt had n e luck so far.
thanks guys 
19:27 on Wednesday, January 21, 2004
The copy of colorblind by counting crows on doesnt work - can someone please email it to me? I would greatly appreciate it!!! Thanks and have a great day!
Piano score for Cruel Intentions
22:56 on Thursday, January 29, 2004
Hi, does anyone know/or have the music that plays when Sebastian is waiting outside and starts walking away as Annette watches from her room in the 1st Cruel Intentions? The tune plays a few times, like when Annette and Sebastian are walking together on their first outing. I would really appreciate any help here. Thanks!
Songs u request
22:55 on Saturday, February 7, 2004
(Da Pianist)
hey guys, i was online looking for the sheet music for a cruel intentions song call, "This Love" by Craig Armstrong, I think thats one of the songs u guys are lookin for, and also for those of u craving the colorblind sheet music, its on, i jsut checked it out, for those of you who are computer illiterate, you need a program called Adobe Acrobat reader it be able to get it, downlaod it from, if u guys still have trouble, put up another post sayin so, and i`ll write out the notes right here, i know by heart by now...dont email me, i dont check it, post up any requests, i also have ever coldplay song, anyone who plays the piano i think knows coldplay lol If anyone has the sheet music for "This Love", pleez contact me by email!!!!
23:08 on Saturday, February 7, 2004
(Da Pianist)
hey guys im sik of having to searcht eh net for free sheet music to the best songs, i have the whole coldplay album sheet music, only one i thought worth buyin, and i know a lot of u have other sheet music, would anyone be interested in startiing a website where there all offered with a message board? i know a lot oabout webdesigning, and would do the whole site, as long as it helps us share the stuff more easily, if any of u guys are really down email me or post a reply, all u guys have to do is offer wateva sheet music u have, i`ll obviously do the site, and offer watever i have.
remember ur not stealing form the artists, ur only keeping them honest, because they all say "i dont do it ofr the money, i do if for the music"
18:20 on Saturday, February 21, 2004
(steve young)
what is the song that is played at the end to of the movie when the guy diary in handed out to everyone.
18:21 on Saturday, February 21, 2004
(steve young)
i mean the diary of sebashian
Re: Cruel intentions 2
15:02 on Sunday, February 29, 2004
its called colorblind, by the counting crows
Counting Crows
04:04 on Wednesday, March 10, 2004
That crazy "" or whatever it was does not work... I have acrobat... ARGH! if some does have the counting crows sheet music can you pleease send me the web adress...
It`s not colourbilnd
07:47 on Wednesday, March 10, 2004
(Sam Wright)
When they are handing out the diary out at the end the song is bittersweet symphony by The Verve