Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)

Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    19:11 on Monday, October 14, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I have been learning Moonlight Sonata on the piano. I don`t have much experience, but I`m getting the hang of it.

In the 16th measure of Moonlight Sonata, there are 4 notes (B,B,B,C) which span 4 octaves - apparently to be played simultaneously. This seems physically impossible! Unless you are an alien.

Am I correct in assuming that this is to be played by a single person? If so, than umm, how?! do you deal with this section.

I did notice when I play an audio file that I can`t really hear the lower B`s at this particular point. Maybe my sheet music (obtained from this site) is incorrect? - but so far it seems to be right on...

Any insight would be MUCH appreciated!!!



Title of my sheet music:
Sonate - Sonata quasi una Fantasia (`The Moonlight`)

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    06:19 on Wednesday, October 16, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

If your talking about the first movement of `Moonlight Sonata" then there should be no problems cos i learnt it ages ago. But if your talking about the third movment then you might have a little bit of trouble cos it is very difficult. There should be nothin like what u said in the second movement either. I think there is somthin wrong with the notes then.

Anyway have fun.

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    14:43 on Saturday, November 2, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

now, i don`t have a lot of experience on the piano, but i have come across similar music for the saxophone, between quartets and trios. often music writen for the sax will still venture out of it`s 2.5 octave range. usually my friends and i have to bring in a clarienet or a trumpet depending on who we can find. if the notes you are asking about are unheard, then skip them is my recommendation. otherwise, they were proabably written in for a violin or other instrument. i found you prediciment rather amusing, but do not know quite what to tell you.

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    10:54 on Tuesday, November 5, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

NO Beethoven didn`t have three hands, but i am sure he worked on his reach over the years like most plays do. I am able to play the bbbc so you just have to work on the reach of your notes over time. Eric- 17

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    13:59 on Saturday, November 16, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

the bb-bc chord isn`t that hard to play...

i mean an octave should be easy to play, and b-c is just one note farther apart than an octave..

i have fairly small hands compaared to most ppl, and i can reach up to 11 white keys apart...u don`t need big hands, u just need to stretch em a little.

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    11:44 on Friday, November 22, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

Beethoven had no 3 hands

but we must remember that rachamninov as an example had a huge hand that someone said once that the largest thing in rachmaninov`s body was his hands. you could put in your consideration that rachmaninov could play a thirteenth chord C-A very easily, while normal people -like us- could not play more than a tenth one C-E.

Add to this, that rachmaninov had the ability to paly an unborkable C chord (C-E-G-C-E)which is impossible for any normal person , just try it!!

and i think so was beethoven and so are some of the great pianists who could play something like beethoven`s moonlight sonata mov.3, Franz liszt`s la campanella, or rachmaninov`s piano sonatas.

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    15:52 on Friday, November 22, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

UI`ve just checked the notes you mean. they are very easy, its b-c eighth chord in moonlight`s first movement.

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    22:45 on Friday, November 22, 2002          
Posted by Archived posts

I actually am able to play that part now. At least it SOUNDS correct - the four notes only span 3 octaves!

However, on my sheet music (which I downloaded here), the upper C is way up. It is 2 lines above the top of the treble staff. And the next note down is B, which is 2 spaces below the bottom of the treble staff.

If you count from B (below staff) up to C (above staff), it is two octaves - which, by the way, would be impossible with one hand.

So, I just play it like they are closer together (span one octave). And, it sounds right.

Maybe I am making a mistake in reading music. But, for now, where-ever it looks too hard - I listen - and try to figure it out. But I hate to think I am leaving notes out.

Anyway, Thank you for all of your input. I`m probably due for some lessons!!!


Liszt_Paganini_Etude_No3_Campanella. More Hands    17:57 on Monday, December 2, 2002          
(AnhMy Tran)
Posted by Archived posts

If you think Beethoven has 3 hands, Franz Liszt is sure to have at least 3 hands in his Etude Number 3

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    23:33 on Friday, January 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

no he did not you use two hands in measure 16 in that part ohh and your music is right

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    18:28 on Tuesday, January 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Ok, this has absolutely nothing to do with the whole 3 hands thing. Enough people have answered that already. Anyway, I just finished the first movement of the Moonlight Sonata. Does anyone know if there is a second or + movement(s)? If there are, where can I find sheet music? Thanks for any answers.

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    18:56 on Tuesday, January 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

THANKS for all of the replies. I have finally figured out the whole thing - now just trying to practice enough for it to sound fluid.

I found the sheet music for the third movement here:

You`ve got to be mad, to attempt it. Please be careful. I would hate for you to sprain a finger...


Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    09:22 on Tuesday, February 4, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Did anyone hear the real Moonlight Sonata in the exact speed?My goodness I think it is bear impossible(at least 4 a 14 year old like me).I can only play the concert speed 4 1/4 of the 3rd movement and my fingers will start to wear off.Maybe if i practice more i will eventually get it,but still, playing in concert speed is really really hard.

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    16:47 on Saturday, February 8, 2003          
(Chidi Okoro)
Posted by Archived posts

the 16th measure in moonlight sonata isnt that hard to play. I learn to play the whole song by memory in only one and half weeks

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    18:01 on Thursday, February 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Yes, Beethoven had 3 hands, most people don`t know this but it is true.


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