Moonlight Sonata MP3

Moonlight Sonata MP3    12:12 on Wednesday, March 12, 2003          
(edA-qa mort-ora-y)
Posted by Archived posts

I thought maybe I`d jump in with a rendition I did of the song (I cheated though with a synth

I also did my own song,kind of symphonic in nature. It doesn`t have a name yet, that is where you
can help. Listen, and then give me a name:

If you sign up for our mailing list also, you can win a free CD when
naming this song!

Can sumeone give me da note for that moonlight sonata plz    20:47 on Wednesday, March 12, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Can sumone or ne one give me the note , if posible, the full note or the website were they got it...thnx very much

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    05:09 on Monday, March 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hmmmm i think that he had three hands
simply he was a genious

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    05:09 on Monday, March 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

hmmmm i think that he had three hands
simply he was a genious

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    09:20 on Wednesday, April 2, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

No,he actually didn`t!

I have played the three movements and the third movement is difficult indeed...but not unplayable...There are so many pianists that have played this sonata...If Beethoven had 3 hands...........he would be an alien then!
You have to admit that this sonata is really beautiful,don`t you??

heh, 3rd mvt, i`ve attempted that    00:28 on Sunday, April 20, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

no, the 3rd movement is not impossible, nor does it require three hands. my friend learned 1/2 of the entire 3rd mvt in less than 3 weeks in addition to his other piano pieces he has to play for his classes. I`ve attempted it....tho i do not have as many years of experience with piano, but i`ve been able to master the first few measures at full`s hard..makes ur arm tired, but if u practice enuff, it shouldn`t be a problem.

and if u thought 3rd mvt was impossible, go listen to Liszt - Totentanz (Dance of Death)--Liszt, the epitome of pianists, "makes all other pianists look like children" (from some bio) hehe

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    09:15 on Friday, May 9, 2003          
(zach smith)
Posted by Archived posts

hey man, i can understand how you could be thinking you would need to be an alien to play that part....i`m a senior in highschool, and the 3rd movement of the moonlight sonantas is what i`m working on for my "last piece".....just work hard

Very cool song    12:36 on Monday, May 12, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hey Guys im new at this piano thing, use to take lessons when i was real young, and after listening to Moonlight Sonata properly i wanna learn!!. Can any of you tell me where i can download moonlight mvt 1, 2 and 3.

Why to download it?    07:50 on Tuesday, May 13, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

Hi Bob,

It`s not so difficult to download this sonata but I recommend you to buy a CD of a pianist....if you really want to play it in a right way I think that it would be better not to search it on the you know,the quality of them is not so high......

Moonlight Sonata    10:35 on Tuesday, June 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

I have been taking piano for about seven years now (I am right now thirteen) and I am starting to learn the Moonlight Sonata. I am so glad that the beginning two movements are less stressful and difficult than the third. Playing the third movement just about kills my hands and once a day is as much as my hands can handle! If anyone has found a web site where you can listen to the third movement, can you please reply to me and place a link. Thanks!

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    13:36 on Tuesday, June 10, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

use ur nose

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    18:55 on Saturday, June 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

that was meant for the left hand while using the sustain pedal to hold the b-b.

yeah    18:58 on Saturday, June 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

pedal b-b
rh b
lh c
1st movement moonlight

Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)    19:22 on Saturday, June 14, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

it can be done. i play thi spiece for fun sometimes. it gets a little challenging, but you just have to work on stretching your fingers. i would work on this by betting some finger excercises, or just working this part and stretching your fingers.

...    17:44 on Tuesday, June 17, 2003          
Posted by Archived posts

You were referring to the ninth strech in the 16th measure. It`s very easy, you simply play b-b with your left hand and b-c with your right. Make sure to accent c and let the b notes just be there without being really noticeable!!!


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