Beethoven`s hands
22:41 on Thursday, June 24, 2004
Yah, I know this is off the subject, but the third movement is not that hard if u take each melody hands seperately. I`ve been playing for about five years, and find for this particular piece if u start doing hands seperately its soooooooo much easier.
i agree
21:19 on Wednesday, June 30, 2004
I agree with Mike, it really was a lot easier for me to learn my difficult pieces by just doing hands seperately at first
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
03:34 on Monday, July 5, 2004
First of all if you want the actual sheet music to the moonlight sonata got to
yes the `moonlight` sonata has three mvts:
1.Adagio sostenuto
3.Presto Agitato.
Yes your music is wrong, my proper version has the c an octave above middle c. I am also 14 and ive been playing for 6 months and this was the first piece i learnt, if you think this is difficult try reaching the opening chords of the rach 2 concerto which i am learning now, most people roll them but it doesnt sound the same.
Anyway good luck with this piece its quite easy once you co-ordinate the melody with fifth finger.
PS: the third movement isnt that hard its just ascending intervals of broken chords, for preperation i would play flight of the bumblebee (which is quite easy) but cramps the right hand about 3/4 through.
? hbrmm
03:02 on Saturday, August 7, 2004
the moonlite??? nah thats not that hard! you all r making it sound very difficult, but the 1st mvt is a joke, the 2nd mvt is one page, and the 3rd you can learn in 8 or 10 months, the only hard part to it is playing with enough emotion, which many people cannot do. hard? go try some lizst or alkan or if you like beethoven op. 111 or the hammerklavier...
22:10 on Thursday, August 12, 2004
i found it amazing help to me when i bought eh "school of volocity" books and just played then 1-6 times. and if you think 3rd movement is hard msg me on msn and ill send you a whole bunch that make the 3rd movement seem like a joke
09:37 on Saturday, August 14, 2004
All of you stop talking about how hard/not hard the third movement is! God, will you all grow up? Accept that the third movement is a challenging piece, even though there are much harder pieces out there. Once you`re playing some of those harder pieces, then the third movement seems easy-ish. The better you get, the easier the pieces get FOR YOU! That doesn`t mean that it`s easy for everyone else too! Just because I had an easy time with Prelude in C#-Minor doesn`t mean it`s an easy piece. It`s obvious most of you didn`t understand this phenomenon, so now that I just explained it to you, you can stop talking about the third movement. Discussing how to play it is ok, but bragging about how you know about harder pieces (which, i`m guessing are light-years ahead of you) is just annoying. All right, time to stop my ranting, so the lesson is: It`s alright to express your opinion, and even better to lend tips, but talking about how there are much harder pieces out there is not, because everyone already knows that.
Moonlight Sonata
17:12 on Tuesday, August 17, 2004
(Stephen DeChiaro)
Hi-ya just to tell u all, my mom played the Moonlight sonata FULL when she was ninteen taking lessons for 7 years. so any 7 year student can play the 3 movement. I learned the first And Second movements and i have only been playing 3 years. If u PRACTICE u can do it.
can u help me get the sheet music fer moonlight sonata
07:27 on Tuesday, August 31, 2004
hey can some1 email me the sheet music for the moonlight sonata, i can`t find the 2nd and 3rd movements. ma email is
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
13:46 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
(anthony f)
beethoven? liszt hand reach was an augmented 14th on each hand, and I can reach a 10th, beethoven was a small little man, so he did not have astoundingly big hands, I play liszts music and have little trouble, but beethoven would never have been able to do such things. he did write his music with certain original rolls and glissandos, which were taken out because of the change in time, also, the music was edited by a music editor when the peice was written which means that the editor could change little things in the music if he sees fit, unless you were stingy like liszt the music may not have been the way it was written in the 1800`s today you write and submit your own music, and usually no editor is reqired.
piano fingers
16:11 on Thursday, March 31, 2005
I`ve just read through this thread, and I realised I have big hands. My stretch is a 12th in the right hand and an augmented 11th in the left. I can play that c-e-g-c-e chord someone mentioned without too much trouble.
I don`t have much of an interest in learning the piano seriously however, I just found this interesting.
06:05 on Friday, April 1, 2005
What? You must have gigantic hands. I could maybe get from C to D (barely) but I`d have to dislocate my fingers to get any further. :0
I can do the moonlight sonata (1st movement) one though easy enough but that`s about my limit.
Ha, ha - the amount of boasting on this thread is hilarious.
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
15:06 on Monday, April 18, 2005
well, you dont exactly need 3 hands, reaching just over an octave is pretty easy, I mean, i can reach a 11th no prob...
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
17:57 on Monday, April 25, 2005
I play Beethovens 1 and 2 movements of moonlight sonata. I know exactly what you are talking about. Sometimes you just have to take out some notes that you cannot reach and play the same note an octave higher. I have been looking for someone that knows how to play moonlight sonata, I have some good tips on how to play it so give me a line at
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
09:51 on Tuesday, April 26, 2005
i can play it and i dont have 3 hands do u
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
16:48 on Saturday, May 7, 2005
Where can I find Mov 1 of Moonlight sonata free downloadable. If any body knows please help . Thanks