Hey ken!
18:57 on Monday, May 9, 2005
Hey ken, go to www.pianopassion.com and they have a free sheet music page, for just about any piece of music you can think of. I personly like the sheetmusic archives site on this web, but it only lets you download 2 selections a day. by the way this is where I get all of my music, including moolight sonata 1,2 and 3. please give me a line for more info at musiciqsargent@yahoo.com (stupid name for a e-mail but could find know other!)
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
16:59 on Tuesday, May 17, 2005
really the trick is to put dow the begginin then u have to put the last pedal down to hold it the play. And no, Beethoven did not have 3 hands!
Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
08:16 on Saturday, June 4, 2005
I`m sure you can train each finger to play in different rhythems(or atleast a group to play different rhythems than the other group). I know I am figuring out Chopin`s "March Funrebre" by ear, and you have to train certain fingers to do different rhythems....certainly....guitar and piano and others simultaniously noted instruments are the most virtuosic instruments...and given practice, musicians can appear to do some pretty amazing things on them. It just takes practice.
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
11:52 on Monday, June 13, 2005
wheres #2?
14:18 on Saturday, July 9, 2005
ive serached to the far reaches of the internet and I cant find the second part of the moonlight i found the first(here) the third in a link from the guy who started this discussion but the second is absolutly no where to be found
if anyone knows where i can find it please help
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
09:18 on Tuesday, October 11, 2005
No he did not have 3 or 4 hands. You simply have to use all of your fingers. Strech your 1. and 5. finger and meanwhile use the 2. and 3. to deal with the B ect.. Remember that all the nodes with the "note neck" (i dont know in english whats it called) down is played with our left hand.
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
15:22 on Tuesday, October 18, 2005
No, Beethoven had four hands.
Re: Did Beethoven have 3 hands? (Moonlight Sonata)
18:59 on Friday, November 25, 2005
This is one of the most beautiful pieces in the piano literature....glad to hear you are learning it! Good for you!! I learned this when I was ten and couldn`t reach that 9th you discussed. My teacher let me break it apart a little, very quickly. Eventually, my span grew and of course, it`s very easy now. The average person wouldn`t have any trouble with it. In the meantime, check out my website: www.jknoxdenigris.com where you can listen to a sound clip of "Moonlight" and more from my new classical solo piano album, Inspired Journey, due for release Dec. 15.