Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
01:58 on Wednesday, January 16, 2002
I heard Yo Yo Ma was the Cellist on this film. I think the music is terrific. Does anyone know who wrote it?
Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
04:46 on Monday, May 27, 2002
it`s TAN DUN
hEhE~~ ur welcome^^
Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
18:38 on Sunday, June 9, 2002
Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
11:13 on Friday, July 12, 2002
(Sharron Strong)
Does anyone know where to get the sheet musice for "The eternal vow"
from the film Crouching tiger hidden dragon for Cello?
I`ve tried everywhere
Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
22:17 on Tuesday, July 16, 2002
Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
17:48 on Friday, December 13, 2002
: : Could you guys possibly post any of the cello pieces to crouching tiger hidden dragon???
: Dear Morgan,
: thank you for your question.
: As you know we can publish only public domain music, this means music by composers without active copyrights (deceased before 1932). The music you are looking for is by Tan Dun, a living composer with active copyrights.
: We are sorry, but you can try to give a look to our pages dedicated to other sheet music websites clicking the Links button on the top-left main menu.
: Good luck!
: Sincerely
: Virtual Sheet Music
Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
11:57 on Wednesday, March 12, 2003
if anyone has the cello sheet music for the crouching tiger, i`d be happy to share the cost. pls contact me. thank you
Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
03:11 on Sunday, May 25, 2003
Does anyone know where I can find an arrangment of "Green Destiny"?
To Elvan about Lo`s singing - Re: Yo Yo Ma Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
23:08 on Sunday, July 6, 2003
It`s actually an Uhrgyr (a tribe from northern China I think) folk song entiled "Ili Yolida". I have no idea what it`s about...but I know from reading the crouching tiger script that part of what he says is just humming because as per the scene, Lo didn`t know all the words so just kinda hummed on through it. I`m mainly posting about this now (a year after Elvan`s post) cuz I was wondering if you or anyone else had found out anything more about it...like, where I can get a recording of the whole song and or the lyrics and translation thereof. If you know any more about it and feel like sharing, let me know...
E-mail response (if any) to: Dennisjue@hotmail.com
Gahsh tohl ap ack mi-ni mung gung dah yi ili yolida...
Gu dum shu gu zah kush ha wa-ra gu hee...
Dah pah sei gum pu lu zah ah-ah la li
eh-eh-eh(The part he doesn`t know) gees har-kush ha wa-ra gu...
I know I`m a geek, but this to the best of my phonetic abilities is the verse he sings.