Attention Musicians!!!!

Attention Musicians!!!!    11:22 on Tuesday, September 25, 2012          

(4 points)
Posted by Lizardfolk

Hey guys,

So I have this idea to start a Youtube/internet classical music group. Probably something along the lines of an internet trio or quartet where we can perform together through some kind of multi communications software and share it through Youtube. The specifics of that I can research but I'd like to know if there's anyone here who can play an instrument decently or well who would be interested in joining?

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    05:09 on Saturday, November 24, 2012          

(30 points)
Posted by Viola87

I think this is great idea. Personally I'm just an amateur, but I'd be really interested in results of such a collaboration!

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    16:16 on Thursday, February 21, 2013          

(57 points)
Posted by rbreslin

Hmm .. I am pretty sure I don't have time to join in. But I am keen to see the results.

I'm going to follow this and see how it goes if you wouldn't mind ? Keep us in the loop.

Did you see that other post in this forum about famous composers' productivity. The post claims that composers clustered together were more productive. I wondered in internet collaborations are our modern day equivalent of the 18th century hotbeds of productivity (like Vienna)??

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    13:50 on Friday, March 15, 2013          

(4 points)
Posted by Lizardfolk

Sorry I haven't responded earlier. I've set the forums to auto alert but that hasn't happened to my email for some reason so i thought no one responded until I checked it recently.

Viola, can you give me a sample of your playing? It's totally ok that you're an amateur as I am as well

And breslin, sorry to hear you don't have the time but i'd welcome anyone who's interested in following us. Although I honestly my quest to look for fellow musicians to play with over the internet has proved fruitless over the past few months.

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    17:39 on Sunday, March 17, 2013          

(57 points)
Posted by rbreslin

How do you plan to actually do it?

Skype, Webex ..?

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    15:42 on Saturday, March 23, 2013          

(4 points)
Posted by Lizardfolk

I was looking into Skype. I've had successful internet collaborations through skype but the person had great internet. I'll start looking into others and research if i can get someone (or a few people) interested in doing it.

Worse comes to worse we can record our own parts and I can sync them together in an editing software but that's a last resort for me.

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    09:58 on Thursday, March 28, 2013          

(57 points)
Posted by rbreslin

Yes - it's the internet connection speeds.

I'm looking into cloud based music for another project I'm working on. I'll post some more when I find something/anything meaningful.

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    22:02 on Saturday, March 30, 2013          

(4 points)
Posted by Lizardfolk

Sounds good. Gaming constantly demands better and better online technology so that can carry over into other stuff. I'm looking into others but Skype seems to have the most success rate so far.

Anyways I'm still looking for partner(s) for an internet classical collab group! I still think it'll be pretty cool to form like an internet quartet especially since i dont have any friends who listen to classical let alone play

Anyone willing to try it out can respond here or give me a pm

Re: Attention Musicians!!!!    14:16 on Monday, May 20, 2013          

(57 points)
Posted by rbreslin

Hi All,

I have been doing some looking around for technologies to help with collaborations. Here are my thoughts.

It is quite difficult to do real time sharing - you are always so reliant on the network. Even with things like Skype, you get glitches and also there can be quite a noticeable latency in the signal. I'm not saying that it wont work - but if any group does get it working, it will be by luck.

Also - I have been thinking that with most people being so busy (work etc) and with time zone differences, real time collaborations can be hard to organise.

So - I am thinking that collaborations based on people recording things, and posting them t a music or sound sharing website is the way forward.
That way some one can start a group or collaboration for a piece of work, and gradually share and combine each other's contributions over time.

I have found a few websites that do this. The easiest to use (and the ones most suited to this kind of user driven content and sharing) are

I have made accounts for myself in both of these to start to try this kind of idea. Don't be put off by the fact that they mostly contain electronic music of one form or another - the technology is perfectly usable for non-electronic musicians.

You will need a way to record on to the web - but with sound cloud, that can even be an iPhone or other mobile device.

If you reply in this post or try to contact me through indaba or soundcloud (I thing this is the most easy of the two for us to use) I'll give this a try with you.


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