Thomas Simpson : Strings Ensemble No.2 In E Major

Score Info

Strings Ensemble No.2 In E Major
Thomas Simpson
for String quintet 

Wednesday, December 6, 2006
 3 votes,   Average: 4.33   Plays: 12157

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Add to favorites Posted 19 years ago

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1 comment on this file  Post comment
Some of this sounds a little odd to me. The parts are paralleling eachother alot and some of the chords don't seem to be built correctly. For instance, the chord on the alto line in bar 6 has an F# in it, which sticks out like a sore thumb. An E might sound a little better.

Also, bar 10. The triplets in the top two lines and the eigth notes in the top base line clash. When I hear it I can see a cartoon cat falling into a broom closet, getting his foot stuck in a bucket, then flailing around knocking everything out of place and just making a total mess.

But the faster sections are really good, I especially liked the section starting at bar 36.
19 years ago