Winthrop Brookhouse : Softly Spoken

Score Info

Softly Spoken
Winthrop Brookhouse
for Mixed Ensemble 

Saturday, January 28, 2012
 0 votes,   Average: 0   Plays: 6869

An uplifting ensemble for strings french horn and trumpet. Key is F Maj with accidentals to A flat etc. Time 03:28, 4/4 meter and Quarter note = 100

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Add to favorites Posted 12 years ago

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2 comments on this file  Post comment
I can look into rearranging it for cello. But do you have trumpet. And it would help to know your instrumentation, for the future.

Thanks for the interest
12 years ago

I really liked listening to this! Unfortunately our ensemble does not include a french horn, so we are unlikely to have a go at it. Has it been arranged with solo by the cello?

12 years ago