Chidester : Tres Amigos Menos Uno

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Tres Amigos Menos Uno
for Trumpet Duet 

Saturday, April 7, 2012
 8 votes,   Average: 4.38   Plays: 11588

This is a simple little duet which should be fun and interesting. Both parts are equal in difficulty and contain six different and contrasting melodies.

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Add to favorites Posted 13 years ago

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3 comments on this file  Post comment
hi its me again and I play the trumpet and I have no clue what this comment is suposed to be... I love minecraft and If you do then post a comment too... this is redbull1019... and if anyone knows who....

paulsouresjr... is then GReat... post it...


13 years ago

13 years ago

Could you take each section and extend them into individual pieces?
13 years ago