Stephen Lines : Ditsy Dotz for Woodwind Choir

Score Info

Ditsy Dotz for Woodwind Choir
Stephen Lines
for Wind Ensemble 

Saturday, December 1, 2012
 6 votes,   Average: 5   Plays: 9203

A bit of fun for a full woodwind choir. Excellent for practicing ensemble playing and for concert performance by, for instance, a high school woodwind section. For an alternative woodwind instrumentation that includes the saxophone family see Ditsy Dotz (2).

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Add to favorites Posted 12 years ago

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3 comments on this file  Post comment
Thank you so much!

11 years ago

Yes, sure. Within the next few days I will be uploading all of my compositions as .pdf. Many thanks for your interest.
12 years ago

Is there any possibility that you would be able to post this a PDF? Thanks!
12 years ago