arr.Chidester : Remembering Newtown

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Remembering Newtown
for Trumpet 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
 4 votes,   Average: 5   Plays: 5707

From time to time we have experienced joyous occasions where I felt the need to write something to commemorate the occasion such as the Royal Wedding. Other times I have felt the need to write for less festive occasions such as the National Anthem of Haiti. With mixed emotions this evening I wanted to offer this arrangement in remembrance of the victims and families at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. Some may wonder why I chose these numbers to combine and all I can say is I was led to do so. If you use this arrangement, all I ask is that you mention its purpose and that is “Remember the people in Newtown for they have lost more than anyone can imagine”.

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Very soothing
12 years ago