Chidester : Decending Fanfare erafnaF gnidnecsA

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Decending Fanfare erafnaF gnidnecsA
for Trumpet Trio 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013
 1 vote,   Average: 5   Plays: 4701

This fanfare is written for three trumpets and by itself, it seems harmless to the casual viewer. With further scrutiny you will see that the title is written forwards as well as backwards. The reasoning behind this is that at first half of the fanfare (measures 1-13) is written forward and the remaining measures (14-25) is the same material but at this point it is written backwards. This is sometimes referred to as a “crab” technique most often used in cannons. You can use this as a standalone fanfare or you can bore your listeners with an explanation. If you really want to have fun with this, try reading the notes backward from measure 13 to the beginning. This will never go down in history as a monumental composition but if you can get a few laughs out of it, go for it. Let me know what you think of it.

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