Stephen Lines : Variations on a Theme for Bb Clarinet and Strings

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Variations on a Theme for Bb Clarinet and Strings
Stephen Lines
for Clarinet 

Thursday, October 24, 2013
 90 votes,   Average: 4.99   Plays: 10311

An alternative strings accompaniment in addition to the existing arrangement for Bb Clarinet and Piano.

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Add to favorites Posted 11 years ago

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Good but I can't see the bottom of the song
10 years ago

Thank you Clarinet Girly 16 - it's always nice to receive positive comments after lots of hard work. This piece (Variations on a Theme for Clarinet and Strings) is not what you would normally expect - it's a very subtle piece that requires much skill from the soloist to blend with the strings and be just forward enough to stamp your authority on it as a soloist. In my book subtlety is king.

Kind regards,

Stephen Lines
11 years ago

It sounded good
11 years ago