Clement C Scolefield (1874) : St. Clement

Score Info

St. Clement
Clement C Scolefield (1874)
for Mixed Ensemble 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
 0 votes,   Average: 0   Plays: 2573

A simple arrangement of a hymn tune in four parts for two treble, one baritone and one bass instrument, all in concert pitch. All parts are written in the treble clef for ease of use by the members of an English concertina band, many of whom own several pitches of instrument. This tune is used for the hymn 'The Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended' written by John Ellerton (1870). It's a nice easy tune to warm up with and the given tempo is somewhat faster than would be used to accompany the hymn in church so it doesn't sound quite so glum!

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