"A New National Anthem for the Netherlands" for voice and piano by Koen Dejonghe
for Voice 
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This song was commissioned by the Dutch organisation "De Winternachten 2003", ("Winternights 2003), in The Hague in the Netherlands. It's a literary festival where writers, music groups and performers think about the central theme "An image of Holland", do the Dutch suffer from an identity-crisis? It was Geert Van Istendael, the librettist of my opera "KET" who asked me to compose a melody with piano accompaniment for his new National Anthem for the Netherlands. His lyrics describe with much humour the soul and the mind of the people of the Netherlands. I've used musically certain elements of a rap style for the strophes and a typical football song for the refrain. The piano is easy to play. The MP3 audio recording is with the live voice of Lieve Jansen, some midi percussion instruments, strings and a bass. The words are in Dutch.


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