Mohammad Ali Heidari : Chinese Melody

Chinese Melody by Mohammad Ali Heidari
for Guitar 
 25 votes,   Average: 4.12   Plays: 48302

a piece of music based on the nature and timbre of Chinese (& Japanese) traditional music. It's best played with the Koto (a Japanese Instrument)or Zither(a Chinese Instrument). You can play it with your guitar, piano or violin (with the pizz technique)too. The instrument which I selected for the Midi file is a Koto.

Add to favorites Posted 17 years ago

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6 comments on this file  Post comment
pretty good song if loserman can say for himself
13 years ago

Really cool, but I don't think that this is much of a violin peice. It sounded really cool on the koto though.
17 years ago

nice! love it!
it would be alot nicer if it had more instruments playing with it..
17 years ago

it sounds idian(spelling):3
17 years ago

Thx for fixing the mispell
17 years ago

Great piece, but once again ending was off. What kind of education do you have? You spelled Chinese wrong
17 years ago