Carl Weiss : Trio for flute, violin & bass

Trio for flute, violin & bass by Carl Weiss
for Mixed Ensemble 
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This is an 18th century trio sonata for flute, violon and continuo. Owing to some confusion, I had previously attributed it to Sylvius Leopold Weiss, the lutenist and composer of music for the lute. This trio was in fact written by Carl Weiss Sr. (1738-1795) who was a flautist at the court of George III in London. Weiss was originally from Mulhausen and was not at all related to Sylvius Weiss. This is a charming little piece, and I shall be interested to seek out more or Carl Weiss' music. His son also, apparently, played the flute and published a considerable amount of music for the instrument - Rockstro discusses Carl Weiss Jr. in his book on the flute, and is rather dismissive of his talents.

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