T. D. Erickson : I: The Sandstorm - Individual Parts

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I: The Sandstorm - Individual Parts
T. D. Erickson
for Wind Band 

Thursday, May 10, 2007
 4 votes,   Average: 3.25   Plays: 4677

First part of a trilogy, "Views of the North Valley". When the winds kick up in the North Valley of Albuquerque, blinding sandstorms (that can become mud storms) kick up. They help shape the region, and clear out tumbleweeds and other debris. This piece is an attempt to capture the fun of it all. For full concert band.

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Add to favorites Posted 17 years ago

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2 comments on this file  Post comment
This looks like something our band would cry when they saw it. Good work. Not much can do that.
17 years ago

Hmmm. This seems hard to play. Thanks for uploading this!
17 years ago


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