Fur Elise by Ludwig Van Beethoven
for Piano 
 511 votes,   Average: 4.2   Plays: 45226

Played on my piano at home.


Add to favorites Posted 18 years ago

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16 comments on this file  Post comment
I love Beethoven & love this song. bravo
11 years ago

hey! it is a bit slow, but it gives a nice effect to the piece.
you could have played the second and third part.But still,Quite nice!
15 years ago

its really nice!!!!wish i could play it on my violin...but im just a starting to learn more...
16 years ago

I like this Tempo!
16 years ago

Very nicely played.
16 years ago

good but to slow

other wise the best!!!
17 years ago

Very well played man!!!
17 years ago

I like the slow sensation you bring to the music
17 years ago

It is beautifully soft but it must be just a bit faster!
17 years ago

I think that this was done great, and with passion! All I can say is keep it up!
17 years ago

I agree, it's a little too slow and almost starts to lose the "flow" of the piece. I don't know how long you've been playing this piece but as you repeat playing it more, you'll probably want to hear it a little faster.
(even classical music can "swing" a little.)
If you play it too slow it starts to come unglued and not as pleasant to assimulate.

17 years ago

I can play this piece on my Flute!
17 years ago

i like thus piece!!!
17 years ago

I disagree with the previous posts. Although we usually hear this being played faster, but your recording convinced me that this is also a right way to do it. Sometimes, when an artist changes a piece's tempo, it feels distant and uncomfortable to hear, but your playing made me forget this feeling almost immediately. Thank you!
17 years ago

I agree nice clean but needs to go faster but good
17 years ago

very clean,but a lot faster,I MEAN FASTER
17 years ago


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