Kristopher M Thornton : Toe Jam

Score Info

Toe Jam
Kristopher M Thornton
for Mixed Ensemble 

Sunday, October 21, 2007
 10 votes,   Average: 3.8   Plays: 6258

Wrote this several months ago, however, due to several requests I am now putting up the sheet music. This is the unfinished version, due to accidentally erasing the finished one... doh :( But, I am putting it up anyway. The voices are Acoustic Bass guitar (nylon), Flute and piano. Total run time - 1:24

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Add to favorites Posted 18 years ago

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3 comments on this file  Post comment
i really like what pokie bear say the bass and flute really gose together
18 years ago

18 years ago

Cool stuff, I love it when bass and flutes are played together.
18 years ago


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