Brick Yard (P)remix by Humicroav
for Treble Clef Instrument 
 15 votes,   Average: 4.13   Plays: 12611

I wrote this as a follow up to On Hudson (originally titled 77). Shortly before this piece was even finished, I took a break from writing and began rethinking the whole midi approach. I ended up with ten mp3s of remixed tunes. I'll put the midi of this up later, but it seems my most popular item is my one mp3 I posted. Let me know if you like it or don't. Your encouragement is sometimes necessary to squeeze some creativity out me. I started writing new material for the first time in four months yesterday.


Add to favorites Posted 17 years ago

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3 comments on this file  Post comment
very nice piece. Keep up good work.
7 years ago

This is what i call jumpey music.

17 years ago

Oh if it isn't humicroav, up to his usual shenanigans again.

This piece I find highly delightful and very original. Though there seem to be remnants of random pieces I've heard before, it seems to all be apllied in a fresh way that left me bobbing my head happily to the mischievious tune.

Well done. 5
17 years ago


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