Philip Howie : Reflections

Score Info

Philip Howie
for Flute 

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
 29 votes,   Average: 3.72   Plays: 41537

A simple, thoughtful piece for solo flute. The title refers not only to the musical devices used in the main theme but also on another level to our thoughts and feelings. Sometimes our reflections can be sad or stormy, but in this piece at least the ending is optimistic, with the calmer opening theme returning triumphant. The notes marked sfzp, from bar 72, should be played with hard, plosive tonguing but little remaining note - the Sibelius playback doesn't really do this effect justice!

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Add to favorites Posted 17 years ago

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3 comments on this file  Post comment
aptly named!
14 years ago

Nice =)

16 years ago

I think it's beautiful.
17 years ago


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