David Lockeretz : Etudes #1, 6 and 21 from "Jazz Attitudes"

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Etudes #1, 6 and 21 from "Jazz Attitudes"
David Lockeretz
for Treble Clef Instrument 

Friday, May 2, 2008
 2 votes,   Average: 5   Plays: 5903

These are three excerpts from "Jazz Attitudes", a collection of 50 jazz etudes based on popular jazz chord progressions. #1 is based on a blues in C; #2 is on a Miles Davis-style blues in G; #21 is Latin jazz in A minor. For information on ordering "Jazz Attitudes", email me at dlockeretz@hotmail.com or visit www.cafepress.com/timestore.

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preety good beat
14 years ago