Ben Crockett : Area 51

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Area 51
Ben Crockett
for Percussion Ensemble 

Monday, April 3, 2006
 18 votes,   Average: 4.39   Plays: 24158

This is a piece that I wrote in my agenda during school. It's named Area 51 because I was testing to see how a piece written without Sibelius would differ from a piece I wrote using Sibelius. It turned out pretty good, but not as well as I had hoped. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

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Add to favorites Posted 19 years ago

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9 comments on this file  Post comment
Really nice!
16 years ago

X on the C line = rimshot;
X on the A line above staff = stick click.

Hope that helps you out some.
18 years ago

i have a couple questions, first, in this song, are the x's on the C space suppose to be rimshots?? an second, on coffee house rock, and the A line above the bar, is that hitting the side of the drum or stick clicks??
18 years ago

ok, thanks, my e-mails so maybe you could send it to me
18 years ago

I've tried to turn it into an mp3 file, but I can't get Virtual Drumline 2 to work. If I can find a way to turn it into one I'll do that as soon as possible.
18 years ago

do you think you could make a mp3 instead of a midi? i tried to change it so i could put it on my mp3 player but i didnt work since its a midi.
18 years ago

To fluty, yes, that was the entire reason I named it Area 51; it is speculated as a very conspiritorially secrative place where many tests are done. This song, likewise, was experimental.

To azb, that is my favorite part too. :D
18 years ago

Did you know that area 51 is a placw where they have top secret aircraft like flying saucers and other amazing stuff that you will know in a long time...

18 years ago

wow, that sounded really awesome...! that one part where the snares and tenors are on the rims and with the basses doing that grppve, that part was my fav!!
18 years ago


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