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9 comments on this file
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SailorVLol! Hot Cross Buns-esque?! How Simon Cowell of you, FluteStudent
18 years ago
flutestudent049The beginning is a little hot crossed buns-esque but the end is amazing! I absolutely love it, and you should keep composing!
18 years ago
khadijahwtf??!!! ZOMG girl you have got it. i have been playing piano longer than you and i dont even think i can do that. keep it up!
19 years ago
GalileoNice piece for a beginner at the piano
19 years ago
SnorkelIt was great. It was simple, especially in the beginning, and this helped to emphasize the emotion it as conveying. It ws short, sweet, and made me feel what you were going for.
Nice job.
19 years ago
PennyI've been playing on and off since i was 5. But I didn't own a keyboard or piano when I was little, so I could only play when I found one. If I had to guess, i'd say i've been playing for a total of 4 or 5 year.
Thanks for the comment
19 years ago
taudyvery nice i was listening to the start and i thought that it wasnt really goin anywhere but that finish i have to say ur not bad at composing :S better than me at least how long have u been playing piano
19 years ago
oboedude888Keep composing!! You obviously have a talent for it.
19 years ago