Thomas Stone : Fugue

Score Info

Thomas Stone
for String trio 

Thursday, May 28, 2009
 18 votes,   Average: 4.06   Plays: 36750

This short Fugue was composed for Edwin Roxburgh while studying fugue with him.

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Add to favorites Posted 15 years ago

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6 comments on this file  Post comment
I love it! I can't wait to learn it!
15 years ago

Very nice. Although, I agree that it should have ended on a chord, not unison. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.
15 years ago

Agreed with an earlier comment - nice exercise. It was rather pleasing and although the line itself wasn't for memorable for me, it was a nice theme. My only complaints are that it was too short and that I expected to end on a chord instead of a unison. Perhaps G in violin and 'cello with a B3 in viola instead to end on a slightly more hall-filling sound. Nice writing!
15 years ago

no more that this.
15 years ago

a common exercise...
15 years ago

Very nice piece
15 years ago