Stephen .P. Partridge : The sea

Score Info

The sea
Stephen .P. Partridge
for Piano 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
 15 votes,   Average: 3.93   Plays: 13005

A progromatic piece depicting the sea

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Add to favorites Posted 15 years ago

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3 comments on this file  Post comment
Copy. Paste. Copy. Past. Copy. Past. Besides changing key it was all the same! Right now it sounds like you didn't put any effort into it! You can add variations and it would sound great. The repeating RH could be 'Dotted Quarter-Eighth-Quarter' instead of 'Quarter, Quarter, Quarter.' Right now I give it one star.
14 years ago

quite repetitive...
14 years ago

Love this song!!!

Absolutely brilliant!!!
15 years ago


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