Mily Balakirev : The Song of the Volga Boatmen

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The Song of the Volga Boatmen
Mily Balakirev
for Piano 

Sunday, December 6, 2009
 3 votes,   Average: 3.33   Plays: 12677

The Song of the Volga Boatmen (Russian title:Эй, ухнем!) is a well-known traditional Russian song collected by Mily Balakirev, and published in his book of folk songs. It is a genuine barge-haulers' shanty. Balakirev published it with only one verse (the first). The other two verses were added at a later date. The song, also called The Volga Burlak's Song, was inspired by Repin's famous painting, Burlaks on the Volga, depicting the suffering of the people in the depth of misery in Tsarist Russia. The song was popularised by Feodor Chaliapin, and has been a favourite concert piece of bass singers ever since. Glenn Miller took the song to #1 in the US charts in 1941. Source: Wikipedia Lyrics:

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