Piano arrangement for: Korobeiniki
for Piano
Friday, December 11, 2009
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The song "Korobeiniki" is based on a poem with the same name by Nikolay Nekrasov, written and printed in the Sovremennik magazine in 1861. Due to its increasing tempo and the dance style associated with it, it quickly became a popular Russian folk song.
Korobeiniki were peddlers with trays, selling fabric, haberdashery, books and other small things in pre-revolutionary Russia.[3] The song tells the story of a young Korobeinik trying to sell his goods to a dark-eyed girl named Katya, eventually kissing her which leads them to disappear into a rye field, and she mysteriously ends up taking a turquoise ring from him. The events that lead to her getting this ring are expressed through metaphor.
Source: Wikipedia
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