J.S.Bach : Overture (Suite) in the French Style, arranged for solo flute

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Overture (Suite) in the French Style, arranged for solo flute
for Flute 

Friday, April 14, 2006
 2 votes,   Average: 5   Plays: 4529

This is Bach's keyboard piece 'Overture (Suite) in the French Style' (often just known as the 'French Overture', and frequently paired with the 'Italian Concerto'). In fact it's not so much a single piece as a complete suite of pieces - an overture followed by ten small pieces mainly in various dance styles. This is an arrangement I did for playing on the flute alone. It includes the entire suite. Even if you don't find the overture to your taste, do check out the dance pieces, many of which are charming. This score was not done using my old Copyist software, but rather in Sibelius, so I suppose it should be possible to put it up in 'sib' format also. However I have combined the whole suite into one PDF (which makes sense, I think) whilst each piece is in a separate Sibelius file.

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