Scarborough Fair by Hopal
for Flute 
 18 votes,   Average: 3.39   Plays: 6200

Trying to improve on my dynamics and emotions


Add to favorites Posted 15 years ago

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Oops! That was meant to be I HAVE gotten rid of the airness :-)
14 years ago

Thank you for your feedback Hannah. Since I put that piece up I've improved a lot...I think my lips were too opened and the flute wasn't sitting properly.
I haven't gotten rid of the airness, which is a big relief :-)

So how are things with you and your playing? How long have you been playing for?

14 years ago

A prof. came into my band class to teach the flutes stuff and my friend had the same problem so the flute teacher told her to put her mouth farther back on the flute or to angle her mouth more towards the flute. The air sound is most likely coming from the air going over the mouth-piece instead of inside it evenly so it sounds like its losing air. Either that or the screw that is toward the end of the middle piece of the flute is lose enough that it throws off your sound (I've had that experience and ended up sixth chair)if none of that helps ask your teacher, band teacher, or a flute repair person to see if the flute is leeking. Hope this helps.

14 years ago

Again, I'd like to get some feed back as to how I can get rid of that airy sound when I play, as if the air is escaping. Any tips for improved expression as well? Thank you
15 years ago