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9 comments on this file
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drainfamilyawsome goes intrestin all the way through good job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18 years ago
flutist140I really like this piece! I like the way you had accented the higher notes! Good job, but the recording isn't in such good quality! Great Job!
18 years ago
sorshipperOne more thing. What's goin on with the title? I'm just curious why you decided to post it as "!!!!!!!!" or something to that effect.
18 years ago
sorshipperOne more thing. What's goin on with the title? I'm just curious why you decided to post it as "!!!!!!!!" or something to that effect (I can't exactly remember).
18 years ago
sorshipperVery well played, though the recording was slightly worse than horrendous...
18 years ago
pashaETUDE 2 Cyben
19 years ago
saxyboy89May I ask what the name of this piece is?
19 years ago
rock_the_fluteWhat kind of flute are you using? is it oppen holed?
19 years ago