Green Sleeves by King Henry VIII (1491-1547)
for Recorder 
 10 votes,   Average: 4.6   Plays: 6126

trying to get this right on my recorder


Add to favorites Posted 14 years ago

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Also, check your note duration. You are sometimes holding notes for the wrong number of beats.
14 years ago

You have a VERY lovely tone and use just the right amount of air with both the low and high notes. Work on the musical phrase and smoothness between each note. You are taking breaths before the end of the phrase. The larger instruments require more air, making the phrase harder to play to the end. I suspect you are not supporting your breath correctly. Your stomach needs to expand fully. That's where the support comes from. Write-in the breath marks on the music. You may have to play the piece faster to extend the phrase. Over time you will be able to slow the tempo as you learn to control your breath. The next issue of smoothness is hard to correct.

There is too much space between each note making the piece sound "notey." It's caused by the tone being stopped by your tongue. Practice by slurring one to two measures at a time. Try to immitate that smoothness when you play it regularly. There should not be a break in the sound from one note to another. Very nicely done
14 years ago