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aka Arkadi Troitsky
Member Since: 7 Sep 2009
Status:   Subscriber
Points: 380 points
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About Me
composer, arranger & conductor

1972-1978 Classes of composition and instrumentation under prof. Arseev.
1974-1978 Russian Academy of music (State College named after Gnesinikh).
1981-1983 Master-classes of conducting (prof. Rozhdestvensky, Moscow Conservatory).
1983-1999 Freelance composer, arranger and conductor. Several works for piano including “Rhapsody for piano-solo on the themes of American musicals” (phonogram) for famous Russian pianist Michael Bank; 2 transcription albums for piano (ordered by Publishing House “Music”, Moscow): Fragments of Chaikovsky’ ballets, Songs by M.Glinka; chamber concert for piano, viola and 11 wind instruments; sonata for clarinet-solo; sonata for viola-solo; sonata for two bassoon’s. Works for children and children’s choir, including “Suit for children’s choir a cappella”; two musicals for children. In that period, my works are repeatedly publishing in the soviet publishing houses “Music” and “Sovietsky Compositor”.
1985-1990 Made the orchestral version of the Second Rhapsody of G.Gershin (CD “Melody” SUCD 10-00480). Worked a lot with well-known Russian composers, for example Yuri Antonov, for whom in 1988 orchestrated six symphonic scores, and with David Tukhmanov, for whom made a piano-score of his musical “Bagdad Thief" and also piano-score of his musical for children. Many of my works of large form (suites, rhapsodies and fantasies) were purchased by the boards of the Ministries of Culture of the USSR and RSFSR (copies of the contracts are available).
1990-1997 Worked by with contract Jacobo Datshkovsky, a composer from the USA. To implement conditions of the contract, wrote more than 10 large symphonic scores, two of them are symphonic cycles consisting of 10-12 pieces (they are Caribbean Suite and the suite “Bosquejos de un Domingo”). Those works sound for more than four hours (scores and phonograms are available). Several of them under my arrangement were issued by the music printing house “Southern Music Co.” in San Antonio (USA).
1991-1992 Artistic chief and conductor of chamber orchestra “Continent” (tape-recording and scores are available). At that time made a number of transcriptions for string orchestra, the most famous of them: “Pictures from Exhibition” by M.Musorgsky, the first sonata for viola by J.Brahms, songs by E.Grieg and Bach’ Toccata and fugue d-moll.
1992-1993 Composed ballet “Mirage”, duration 2 hours 25 min. (phonogram is available).
1994-1995 Composed ballet “Russian Fortress” on the themes of Shostakovich’ symphonies in two acts, four scenes, with prologue and epilogue. Duration 2 hours.
1996-1997 Orchestrated and recorded by myself as a conductor with the orchestra of the Rissian Federation Datshkovsky’ “Caribbean Suite”. (In that year the corporation “Sony” offered a contract to Datchkovsky for production and distribution of CD “Caribbean Suit”.)
1997-1999 Worked transcriptions for two pianos some of the S.Rachmaninov’ romances. Sonata writing for a violin-solo..
2000-2002 A beginning of work on a new ballet in two acts.
2002-2004 Wrote symphony music to The Brothers Karamazov of Dostoevsky.
2005 - 2009 Composed five (!) Quartets for strings (Duration from 23min. to 53). Also, composed several popular songs, e.g. to the poem of Brodsky etc.

Have a perfect knowledge of musical styles. Free to compose in any of proposed styles and also in the genre. Have a perfect knowledge of instrumentation, orchestration, technique of composition for big-band, orchestra of wind instruments and pop-group, but particularly for symphony orchestra. Can deliver lectures without preparation in instrumentation, theory and history of orchestra and composition. As a conductor have a great experience of studio work with a symphony orchestra. Working in Nuendo 3 & Sibelius 4.

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