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aka Ariel Ramos
Member Since: 2 Dec 2008
Status:   Registered Member
Points: 13 points
United States  
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Film Composer, Pianist and Music App Developer

Music Theory: Scales and Modes Tutorial 1 Part 1
source: Tessitura Pro is an app for iPad and iPhone available on the App Store. An endless source of materials to study and practice. This is Part 1 of our first Tutorial Watch part 2 here: Watch part 3 here: Watch part 4 here: Learn music structures from a new perspective. Understand the relationship between modes in structures. Develop your ears and practice scales, arpeggios, chords and any structure you can imagine. Use it as a source of inspiration for improvisation and composition. An app that takes on the world of music structures in a unique and profound way!

Music Theory: Scales and Modes Tutorial 1 Part 1
Tessitura Pro is an app for iPad and iPhone available on the App Store. An endless source of materials to study and practice. This is Part 1 of our first Tutorial Watch part 2 here: Watch part 3 here: Watch part 4 here: Learn music structures from a new perspective. Understand the relationship between modes in structures. Develop your ears and practice scales, arpeggios, chords and any structure you can imagine. Use it as a source of inspiration for improvisation and composition. An app that takes on the world of music structures in a unique and profound way!

Jazz harmony, secondary dominants and reharm using All of Me
In this tutorial we explained a few re-harmonization techniques using standard harmonic embellishments. Learn about harmonic progressions and functions,. Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro is an incredible tool for songwriters, composers, students and teachers. From Jazz & Classical to Pop, Rock & New Age music, this app will take your writing and understanding of tonal music and music theory to the next level. Learn how to use chords and interpret their harmonic functions. Use the app as a harmonic ear training tool. There is also an optional collection of seven Workbooks for the app.

Decoding Bach's Harmonic Language
Learn the secrets behind Bach's Goldberg Variations and the use of harmonic progressions in Bach's harmonic language

Tonal Harmony Part 2
Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro map levels 2 to 7

Tonal Harmony Part 1
How to create a tonal harmony landscape to study functions and progressions, as the one in Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro

Learning Tonal Harmony
How to study tonal harmony with Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro 6